Educational proposal of the doctoral studies

The Doctoral School of the Faculty of Machine Manufacturing and Industrial Management ( abbreviated SD-CMMI ) is an important  part  of The Doctoral School of The Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi . The SD-CMMI is organized  based on the Law of Education 1/2011 , on the Rules of Organization and Operation of Doctoral Studies of University and on the University Charter .  SD-CMMI benefits  by  the  managerial assistance of the University Council of Doctoral Studies (CSUD).

The SD-CMMI  has the mission to organize and to implement the doctoral studies in the Faculty of Machine Manufacturing and Industrial Management. It promotes and supports the next valuable principles :

    • The creativity and excellence in science ;
    • The encouragement of the inter- disciplinary studies ;
    • The Curriculum flexibility ( interchangeable credits ) ;
    • The development of cooperation and collaboration at national and international level ;
    • The continuous development of the research infrastructure ;
    • The strengthening of the respect on scientific and university ethic rules ;
    • The avoiding of all types of discrimination;
    • The development and  the encouragement of the equity of chances.


  1. SD-CMMI it organizes Doctoral Studies in the Fundamental  Domain of  The  Engineering Sciences ( sub-domains of The Industrial Engineering and of  The Mechanical Engineering )

The essence of the successful doctoral activities in SD-CMMI is the strong partnership between doctoral supervisors and doctoral students.  There are 56 doctoral students leaded by 12 doctoral supervisors ( 9  titular professors , one external habilitatus member   ( member of the research institute  INCD-INSEMEX  )  and 2 Emeritus professors  . The number of the doctoral supervisors and of the doctoral students may suffer changes in every year.

 Doctoral Supervisors DepartmentField of Study
1Professor dr. eng. Eugen AXINTEMachines Manufacturing TechnologyIndustrial Engineering
2Professor dr. eng. Gheorghe NAGÎȚMachines Manufacturing TechnologyIndustrial Engineering
3Professor dr. eng. Octavian LUPESCUMachines Manufacturing TechnologyIndustrial Engineering
4Professor dr. eng. Petru DUȘAMachines Manufacturing TechnologyIndustrial Engineering
5Professor dr. eng. Dumitru NEDELCUMachines Manufacturing TechnologyIndustrial Engineering
6Professor emerit dr. eng. Laurențiu SLĂTINEANUMachines Manufacturing TechnologyIndustrial Engineering
7Professor dr. eng. Cătălin DUMITRAȘMachine ToolsIndustrial Engineering
8Professor dr. eng. Neculai Eugen SEGHEDINMachine ToolsIndustrial Engineering
9Professor dr. eng. Mihăiță HORODINCĂMachine ToolsIndustrial Engineering
10Professor dr. eng. Daniela POPESCUFluid Mechanics, Fluid Machinery and Fluid Power SystemsMechanical Engineering
11CS I dr. eng. Gabriel Dragos VASILESCUINSEMEX PetrosaniIndustrial Engineering
12Professor dr. eng. Doru CĂLĂRAȘUFluid Mechanics, Fluid Machinery and Fluid Power SystemsMechanical Engineering